Thursday 26 January 2012

Potential threats that happen when using ICT-

Potential threats by using ICT is Cyber Bullying. This has started to happen since more and more people are using ICT.

What is it?
 Cyber Bullying is bulling that happen over ICT( the internet, mobile phones)

Why does it happen?
Cyber bullying may happen because people are going through bad stages and they need someone to take their anger out on. This would then mean they could start arguments and start bullying people over the internet. Another reason why cyber bullying happens is because children may be bored or maybe they do  it for entertainment.

Some things to do if you are being cyber bullied-
* Look for a anti bullying sign which looks like the picture below, When you press this you can get someone took of social networking sites so you dont get bullied.
 * Speak to someone about it. Tell anyone you trust like your parents or even one of your teachers.   
*Just dont reply to the messages you are getting because if you respond then the bully knows they are getting you upset. This would then mean they would do it more.
* If you do reply to the message send them a polite message asking them to stop other wise you will block them, DO NOT send a nasty message back because then your just as bad as them.
* Save the messages you recieve to your laptop/computer so then you will allways have evidence that the bully has sent the nasty messages.


What is it?
Spam is flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message.

Why does this happen?
it is an attempt to force a message on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it.

Some things to do if your are recieving lots of Spam-
*Do not have a simple email adress. Try and make it unique to other people so it can't be picked up by any spammers.
*When filling out a quiz on the internet allways keep your eye out for any ticked boxes. Allways see what they say properly before you tick them yourself.
*Set up a throw away section on your email, sow when you recieve spam it gets deleted straight away.


What is it?
Phising is a way of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details

Why does this happen?
It happens because people want to steal other peoples information to gain things. People hack things like bank accounts because that means they can take however much money they want out of your accoutn and get away with it without being in alot of trouble.

Some things to do to help protect your data-* Back up your files often so if you do get hacked you still have all your other files you need if they take them or they get deleted.
*Try and get a password on everything you can becaus then only you know that password so if there is a password protecting your data thereis less chance of your data being taken.
*Dont anwer to personal questions online and deffinatley dont give out your personal information to people you have met on social networking sites like facebook. 

Denial of service attacks,(DOS attacks)-

What is it?
DOS attacks are an attempt to make a computer or network resource unavailable to its intended users.

Why does this happen?
Hackers create these attacks to make big companies( banks and shops) unavailable over the internet. It acts like a virus to crash the internet connection. It brings the network down completley. However the attacks only make the system crash for an hour or so.

Somethings to do if you want to protect your company-
*Install and maintain anti-virus software. This would not 100% stop you from getting attacked but it would prevent this happening.
*Install a firewall, and configure it to restrict traffic coming into and leaving your computer.
*Follow good security practices for distributing your email address, applying email filters may help you manage unwanted traffic.

How do you know if an attack is happening-
*unusually slow network performance (opening files or accessing websites)
*unavailability of a particular website
*inability to access any website
*dramatic increase in the amount of spam you receive in your account

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Illegally using logos to make money.

Some people make money by using images off named brands, changing them a little bit then pretending thats the named brand and put it on items they are selling. This is a way they make money. For example-

Somebody could take the Nike tick which looks like this:

They could change the tick a tiny bit so itis still seen as NIKE but it is actually fake.

Unequal acces to the internet.

People in today’s society feel that having the internet means that they have the freedom to communicate with people quickly for free, therefore, people who don’t have the internet are restricted from this freedom. Nower days people, especially teenagers, think that if you don’t have the internet then you are restricted from the outside world unless you phone/text someone.

How someones privacy can be seen online!

Someone's privacy can be seen online by being hacked. Sites like online banking and online shopping could make your details off you bank card be revealed. This is bad because then you could be having money taken out of your bank card without you knowing about it. Aswell as that social networking sites like facebook and twitter could be hacked. Then the hacker could find out things like where you are and what you are doing. This would be bad incase you didnt want somebody to know where you was , they could hack your Facebook account and find out everything about you.

Some ways to prevent being hacked-
*  Make sure you passwords are allways private to you. Aswell as making them hard to guess DO NOT tell anyone what it is!
* Never put lots of personal information about you on your account. This means that if you do get hacked they can not find out everything about you e.g- mobile number or your address.

How does ICT make it easy to copy music/videos and other files online?

ICT has made is easier for people to download video clips and music of the internet because of the site YouTube. On youtube you can download video clips or music by clicking one button. This then means that it is on your laptop or whatever you are using and you could burn it onto a disc. This is easier then having to wait for the disc/movie to come out.

Monday 16 January 2012

How has ICT changed the way we work?

ICT has changed the way we work because more and more buisnesses are using the internet to broadcast the newest things their buisnesses have being doing. Also people that work for themself are setting up their own website so they can get more customers for their buissnes. Aswell as that people like teachers use different devices to communicate around the school. For example some teachers use email to send work through to other teachers. Also teachers use mobile phones to communicate if something is wrong. For example if something goes wrong in a classroom or somebody is hurt they can call their colleagues to come and help them .

The social impacts of ict !

ICT is everywhere in the modern UK. It has affected the way we go about our daily lives. For example most people use mobile phones as an important part of their lifestlye. Aswell as that many computer users play online games for entertainment, espicially young children.
 Some people see this as a good thing as you can get things done quicker and easier using ICT. But some people say it is bad that we rely on ict for our lifes.

Here is a list of some things that are easier/ quicker to do by using ICT-
- You can do online shopping. This is good because if you are ill or unable to get out of the house you can get your shopping online and get it delivered to you.
- You can do online banking. This is also good because of the same reasons and also if you need your money in the bank by a certain time you dont have to worry about rushing around, you can just log on to your bank and put the money on your account.
-If you enjoy listening to your music you can download the songs you like onto your laptop/mobile phone/iPod and listen to it then. This is good because it is a quick way to get music on your devices.

Here are some reasons on why people think ICT is bad for the society-
- Although it is good to speak to people over social networking sites like facebook people use that all the time instead of going out and meeting people. This is bad because this means people are allways inside on their laptops and there not going out and getting the excersice they may need.
- Also some people say ICT is bad for the society because using social networking sites can sometimes result to fights breaking out between gangs. For example last year there was a whole bunch of riots. Some people said this was because of Facebook and Twitter.