Tuesday 17 January 2012

How someones privacy can be seen online!

Someone's privacy can be seen online by being hacked. Sites like online banking and online shopping could make your details off you bank card be revealed. This is bad because then you could be having money taken out of your bank card without you knowing about it. Aswell as that social networking sites like facebook and twitter could be hacked. Then the hacker could find out things like where you are and what you are doing. This would be bad incase you didnt want somebody to know where you was , they could hack your Facebook account and find out everything about you.

Some ways to prevent being hacked-
*  Make sure you passwords are allways private to you. Aswell as making them hard to guess DO NOT tell anyone what it is!
* Never put lots of personal information about you on your account. This means that if you do get hacked they can not find out everything about you e.g- mobile number or your address.

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